Bed Bug Risk Management: Help Is At Hand

Comprehensive bed bug insurance program is welcome news for landlords, hotels, student housing, and both recreational and business travellers at risk for bed bug infestations. This helping hand in bed bug risk management is the result of a skilful strategic partnership between Aon Risk Solutions, Global Excess Partners (GEP) and Terminix.

Bed Bug Bite Side Effects: A Public Health Threat

This research paper examines the social impacts of bed bug infestations as a public health menace. Public policy and procedures to address the problem of bed bugs ought to be framed in this context, moving the problem of bed bugs from a ‘nuisance’ or a ‘pest’ to a ‘public health threat’.

Manitoba Grants Funds To Fight Bed Bugs

Financial aid is on the way for bed bug infested Winnipeg. Manitoba has set itself as a leader by recognizing the significant challenge to fight bed bugs and the significant financial hardship for those involved in the battle.

Winnipeg Mayor Wants To Spread The Word, Not The Bed Bug

Winnipeg’s Mayor wants the province and the city to do more to inform the public about bed bugs. He’s right; ‘spread the word, not the bed bug’ is the first step to kill bed bugs.

Lloyd's: Growing Bed Bug Liability

Lloyd's of London has advised all businesses to examine their property and liability insurance for bed bug risk management. How would you respond to bed bug problems with staff or clients? Take steps to mitigate the business risk...

Michigan Manual for the Prevention and Control of Bed Bugs

A comprehensive guide to identify, treat, manage and prevent bed bugs should be included in your bed bug library. Although a good reference point, with few shortfalls, keep in mind the laws/regulations are specific to Michigan. Canadian provincial pest management regulations differ from American. Check into your own provincial and municipal laws/regulations before embarking upon a course of action. An ounce of knowledge is worth more than a gallon of pesticide.

Bed Bug Bite Symptoms

What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like? Bedbug bite marks are discernable in some, but not all people. Those that do display bed bug bites side effects show typical allergic reactions with a wide degree of severity and appearance.